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Silat Advanced Course
Advanced 1 Syllabus
Maphilindo Advanced Level 1 Syllabus
Advanced 1 Footwork
Langkah Staircase (1:30)
Advanced 1 Striking
Lead Hand Series 11-14 (1:51)
Rear Hand Series 5 (1:10)
Rear Hand Series 6 (1:16)
Defenses Against Front Kick - Catch & Kick Leg (0:12)
Defense Against the Round Kick - Triple Hit (0:42)
Defense vs Four Counts - Pull to Kinjet Siko (0:59)
Advanced 1 Trapping
Hubad - Switches: Vertical Elbow (3:14)
Hubad - Double Elbow (1:45)
Single Hubad - Grab Wrist (0:27)
Chimande 5-8 (4:58)
Advanced 1 Ground
Lacosta System - Reverse Neck Break (0:55)
Nempal Kaki - Puter Kepala (1:45)
Mande Muda - Bizet to Leg Bar Right and Left (0:38)
Harimau - Pa Kobuk Ladut (7:51)
Egyptian Series 1-11 (4:03)
Advanced 1 Kari 16
Kari #16 - Siko Arm Hook and Pull with Choke (0:54)
Advanced 1 Sarong
Sarong Intro (10:30)
Defense Against the Jab Cross without the Sarong (13:07)
Advanced 1 Forms
Juru #6 (0:50)
Serak Sambut #6 (1:11)
Kembangan - Palaradan: Sections 1-5 (3:54)
Advanced 2 Syllabus
Maphilindo Advanced Level 2 Syllabus
Advanced 2 Footwork
Diamond (1:48)
Advanced 2 Striking
Lead Hand Series 15-18 (3:11)
Jab Cross Series 1-2 (3:16)
Jab Cross Series 3-4 (1:26)
Sidekick Puter Kepala (1:11)
Defense vs Four Counts - Pull to Kinjet Siko Leg Bar (1:36)
Defense vs Four Counts - Pull to Kinjet Siko to Kobuk (1:14)
Advanced 2 Trapping
Hubad - Switches: Horizontal Elbow (4:09)
Hubad - Switches: Double Elbow (2:36)
Hubad - Grab Wrist and Hyperflex Arm (0:20)
Leg Hubad (0:59)
Chimande 9 - 12 (3:47)
Advanced 2 Ground
Nempal Kaki - Tarik Kepala (2:26)
Mande Muda - Pa Harimau Leg Weave (4:15)
Two Beat Kicking from Ground (1:10)
Chieftan Series 1-17 (4:11)
Advanced 2 Sarong
Sash - Untie to Entering the Sash Method (1:59)
Advanced 2 Forms
Juru #7 (1:21)
Serak Sambut #7 (1:23)
KEMBANGAN - Palaradan: Section 1-5 Performed with Music (3:43)
BONUS: Palaradan Music (1:50)
Advanced 3 Syllabus
Maphilindo Advanced Level 3 Syllabus
Advanced 3 Footwork
Wave Footwork (3:26)
Advanced 3 Striking
Lead Hand Series 19-22 (1:41)
Jab Cross Series 5-6 (1:44)
Defense vs Four Counts Pull to Kinjet Siko Puter Kaki (1:37)
Defense vs Four Counts Pull to Kinjet Siko Puter Kaki Kobuk (0:34)
Advanced 3 Trapping
Hubad - Wolis / Bizet (1:39)
Hubad - Double Two (1:29)
Hubad - Finger Lock w/ Hand (0:34)
Hubad - Finger Lock on Body (0:39)
Leg Hubad - Arm Bar (0:55)
Leg Hubad - V Arm Bar (0:42)
Leg Hubad - Chicken Wing (0:38)
Advanced 3 Ground
Nempal Kaki - Kinjet Siko (2:56)
Mande Muda - Kobuk to 1/2 Botston Crab to Breach (1:13)
Mande Muda - Pa Harimau Knee Press + Kick Finish (1:50)
Three Beat Kicking from Ground - Set A (1:32)
Armbar Series 1 to 4 (2:19)
Advanced 3 Sarong
Sash Versus Jab and Jab Cross (8:59)
Advanced 3 Forms
Juru #8 (1:27)
Serak Sambut #8 (1:29)
Advanced 4 Syllabus
Maphilindo Advanced Level 4 Syllabus
Advanced 4 Footwork
"Z" Pattern (1:12)
Advanced 4 Striking
Lead Hand Series 23-27 (2:38)
Jab Cross Series 7-8 (1:48)
Jab Cross Series 9-10 (2:01)
Rear Hand Series 7 (1:36)
Rear Hand Series 8 (0:49)
Rear Hand Series 9 (1:01)
Defense Against Front Kick - Grab Leg, Swing, and Pull Down (0:40)
Defense vs Round Kick - Cross Step In and Kinjet with Body (1:16)
Defense vs Round Kick - Dakup Behind Back 1 to 3 (1:29)
Defense vs Four Counts - Pull to Kinjet Siko - Double Leg Lift (0:34)
Defense vs Four Counts - Pull to Kinjet Siko - Double Leg Lift - Shin on Calf (1:12)
Defense vs Four Counts - Pull to Kinjet Siko - Double Leg Lift - Attack Shins (2:37)
Advanced 4 Trapping
Hubad - Triple Two (2:27)
Hubad - Biceps Destruction (0:32)
Hubad - Double Hand Circling (3:04)
Hubad - Combine All (1:17)
Advanced 4 Ground
Nempal Kai - Combine All (3:26)
Mande Muda - Kobuk to 1/2 Boston Crab (2:25)
Mande Muda - Anuk Harimau (1:49)
Three Beat Kicking from Ground - Set B (1:41)
Advanced 4 Sarong
Sash Versus Side Kicks (3:47)
Advanced 4 Forms
Juru A (1:34)
Juru B (1:33)
Juru C (3:34)
Serak Sambut #9 (2:17)
Rear Hand Series 8
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